Monday 27 June 2016

Star gazing...........

It's fantastic to go outside during a humid summer's night, maybe sit down with a beer or glass of wine (which unusually for someone living in wine country, I don't drink a lot of) and gaze at the twinkling night sky, scanning the stars for ...........UFOs?!  Yes, that's right, unidentified flying objects. 

Since moving from a city lifestyle into the countryside, it's amazing how breathtaking and clear the 'sky-scapes' can actually be, something that you just can't fully appreciate if you live in a large town or city.

Well, UFO-spotting is something I really do once in a while and am convinced one evening a few years back I actually saw one; sadly, or perhaps even happily (depending on their intent), there has been nothing to report since.  

And so to the photos for today's post - after deciding to test out what the zoom capability was like on my Nikon P80 I shot a few snaps of a star.....

As you can see from the photos above, without a tripod the camera shake is substantial and the star ends up looking like quite a credible UFO; maybe this accounts for many explainable photos? Who knows, but I thought it was interesting none the less and it's a fascinating subject to speculate, don't you think?

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