A nice little Florentine box which although isn't that old, has been tastefully lined - I appreciate the work that some crafter has put into this.
Always a favourite - a duck-egg blue coffee pot, a large one and in good condition, too.
A super pair of ornate curtain 'tie-backs' - very pretty pieces!
Want a rustic, country-look in your home? These galvanized pitchers are all the rage and harder to get hold of than you might think. Oh, and it's water-tight!
It's by Sarregumemines and it's stunning! This transferware bowl has a funny story behind it..... I purchased it at a flea market but didn't want to carry it around as I'd just arrived, so the lady agreed to look after it for me. A few hours later I returned to find a gap where her stall had been and the two stall holders either side told me she had left! What the.......! After furiously strutting up and down the stall-lined road I spied my transferware bowl sitting in the grass behind where her stall had been!
This tureen is very cool and the colours are just perfect - never seen this transferware pattern before
These floral coffeepots have risen in price so much recently that's rare to one I can make affordable for my customers, however, here we have a lovely fresh-looking and water-tight example.
Perfect for your kitchen! A Czechoslovakian made salt box manufactured for the French market. This ones large and in really great shape.
It's bright and it's very striking! This retro champagne bucket is perfect to brighten up your day and night!
Never see one like this before so had to have it! Be warned, it's big and it's heavy!
A set of four French antique bronze / bronze-finished decorative corners - these are really beautiful pieces and ideal chateau decor.
A lovely blue enamel trivet on legs!

A French vintage enamel colander in duck egg blue - perfect your kitchen and in good shape.
So there you have it, a small example of new stock that's ready for purchase on my Etsy shop.
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