A few weeks ago I went on the hunt for new treasures for my Etsy shop and on the shopping list was a specific item - an oil painting, preferably a piece of antique portraiture. Well, it just so happens that the law of attraction was working with me that day as I found a dealer who had the beautiful painting below leaning against his van. He told me it was a Dutch in origin and was circa. 1920s. The signature might or might not prove this (it's hard to decipher), and as for the age, the woman's clothing looks like early 1900s to my eyes, so I guess '20s isn't far off.

The canvas was out of its frame and there was/is some damage to the canvas and also an old repair, but the wonderful, vivid colours and the painterly execution of the subject meant I was going to buy it no matter what (which monetarily is also very risky). The painting was a little more expensive and the dealer was reluctant to lower his price, however, in the end we met a compromise (I suspect he was just glad to see the back of the annoying English guy)............
It was a large painting to carry around and I noticed a lot of people tilting their heads sideways to see what the painting was as I passed while walking back to my car. Getting home I excitedly examined the painting and found it to be much better than I'd originally thought. Yes, there's some damage, but it's old damage and it's antique painting so to be expected; also, and this may sound weird, I like the fact it's not perfect as it reflects the painting's age and doesn't look like a reproduction.
The painting has now been placed back into its frame and is waiting for some new hooks and strong picture wire as this painting is both large and heavy. Now, the next thing I have to decide is whether or not to sell it, after all, this lovely lady would be perfect for my new house.